Shane Doan Had Back Consultation with Dr. Robert Watkins IV

I needed a professional to tell me that I was ok. It’s very important to me to have a skilled and approved opinion especially when it comes to issues that have to do with someone’s health. Dr. Watkins at Marina Hospital was a great help for me.
Shane Doan
I had only heard exceptional things about Dr. Watkins of Marina del Rey Hospital. I knew that he was an incredibly well-respected spine surgeon and so when the decision for me to get some opinions on my back issues was made, I already had an appointment scheduled with him. It’s my life and my career that are at stake so I wanted the best treatment.
As far as I knew, Dr. Watkins has quite the experience with pro athletes so I had nothing to be nervous about at all. I think what made me a bit reluctant was only my own attitude and the fear that I was not going to be able to go through with whatever Dr. Watkins believed would be the best plan to follow. I was also upfront about this and he was very understanding and reassuring.