D'Andre Bell Had Laminoplasty with Dr. Robert Watkins IV

The diagnosis came as a relief. It wasn't fun by any means but finally, I knew what was wrong with my back and I also had Dr. Watkins guiding me through the process of undergoing the proper treatment and recovery. I felt better within days.
D'Andre Bell
I had a gut feeling pretty early on that my back was not 100%, but I sort of pushed through it. It’s hard to describe how it felt. It was something between numbness and a tingling feeling in the extremities. It became unbearable after I hurt myself during a game and it was obvious that something needed to be done about it.
At that point, I was so out of it mentally that I did not even know what was wrong, let alone be on the lookout for treatment options. So I had a consultation with Dr. Watkins at Marina Hospital and he basically told me that my spinal canal was narrowing because of something called spinal stenosis. Dr. Watkins had to do some work in the cervical portion of my spine. He inserted four one-inch titanium plates and I could function again.